Anxiety and Depression
Are you on the anxiety and depression roller coaster? Have you noticed that when one improves, the other gets worse? Perhaps your depression starts to lift. You have energy again, you can see hope. You look around and your anxiety picks up. Look at all the things to fix! As you try frantically to fix everything, your sense of control slips through your fingers. Depression seeps in. You feel hopeless, like a failure.
Anxiety and Depression are connected. This is true even with panic attacks or phobias. While medications can provide some relief, wouldn't you rather get off the merry-go-round completely?
I want to work with people ambitious enough to tackle the source of these issues. I have helped some clients reduce anxiety significantly within a few months. I've had depressed clients feel happier than they had in years or sometimes decades. If you want to work on healing, give me a call and we start work on your own Happiness Project.